My IP Finder :: Obtain my IP easily and rapidly
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Find my local IP address, LAN, VPN of my network interfaces

Local IP detection not supported by this browser.

SIf your browser is compatible, your local IP address is displayed in the square above. Internet Explorer and Edge browsers are not compatible with this feature, as well as many IOS and Android browsers. In this case, you can connect via another desktop browser, such as Chrome or Firefox.

Some explanation about my local IP address

Several local IP may be displayed. Indeed, in addition to your IP address on your local network, this script detects the IP address of your hub on your service provider's local loop. In most cases, the address starting with 192.168 is the IP address assigned on your private network by the DHCP server of your internet hub, i.e. the address used on your LAN. The other one is the address of your hub on your service provider's local loop. If you enter this address directly in a web browser, you are likely to access the configuration interface of your modem/router.

Other IP addresses may also be displayed, for example, if you are connected to a VPN: in this case, your computer has at least 2 local IP addresses. One is the address on your local network and the other is your local IP address on the remote network that you joined via the VPN.

In any case, these IP addresses should not be confused with your public IP address, displayed on the upper part of the website and labeled "My IP address". This is the address that identifies you on the internet, while the other "local" addresses displayed in this area are secondary. You can detect them easily by typing "ipconfig" in a Windows terminal or "ifconfig" in a UNIX terminal.

ipconfig command in Windows
ipconfig command in Windows

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