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Dnslookup, find the IP address and localization of a domain name

See the most looked-up domain names

Enter the domain name of the website you wish to look up in the form above.
The domain name is the website address, for example: "" or "".

You can also look up a subdomain, e.g.: or In this example, the subdomain is: "www". You can look up any subdomain.

Can you give me some details about the information I can find?

This form enables you to find the IP address of a server from its domain name. It also enables you to find the hostname or reverse DNS with which the IP is associated, as well as localize the approximate location of the server represented by the type-A DNS recording associated with the domain name.

DNS server and IP address

You will also find all the DNS recordings for the domain name (or subdomain, if entered), irrespective of the type: A, MX, SOA, TXT, Cname, ns, etc.. Extraction of this information is often associated with the nslookup command, which may be executed from a terminal console on many operating systems.


For a domain name, DNS servers direct the traffic to the different services. They provide the IP addresses associated with each service or subdomain. For example, the subdomain "www" may be associated with the IP address of an internet server, so the MX recording will be associated with the IP of another server (or the same one) that manages emails. "Find My IP" enables you to obtain exhaustive information about the domain name you are looking up, as well as the associated IP addresses.

Discussion about : " Dnslookup, look up a domain name and its IP address "

Very usefull tools! Thanks!